Saturday, April 28, 2012

Beautiful Death Valley

Welcome to California (Death Valley)

Sorry but we have been off line for the last two days because we were in Death Valley, we had full phone service but no wifi. I had some misgivings about going to Death Valley because it had been so hot in AZ. but the weather was beautiful, sunny, windy, and hot during the day and cool and breezy in the evening. We toured Scotty's castle, did a lot of hiking in the canyons and down on the salt flats. This is such a beautiful, quiet place, we both hated to leave but the gas prices are so high and the sights are so far apart,the park is huge, each time we come back we try to see a different area of the park. Today we are heading into Utah.

View of valley floor

Devils golf course

Chris on the Bad Water Basin

Texas Spring Camp Ground

Scotty's Castle

Scotty's Castle

Scotty's Castle

Scotty's Castle

Golden Canyon Trail

Golden Canyon Trail

Golden Canyon Trail

Hidden Bridge Trail

Hidden Bridge Trail

Hidden Bridge Trail